This is the update on my technical goals for this year.

Original Goals

  1. Learn Zend Framework 2
  2. Learn and use Unit Testing
  3. Using ZF2 and Unit Testing create a free website so I have a playground to try new technologies.
  4. Blog at least 52 times (as a baseline there are currently 29 posts on this site).
  5. Learn how to make a custom Wordpress Theme.


  1. I haven't started on this enough to feel that I'm making progress. As soon as I'm done with my current projects at work I plan on spending more time focusing on this.
  2. I've started using Unit Testing for my current project. It seems to be coming together nicely.
  3. See #1
  4. I'm just shy of 52 posts on the site now but 14 of them are Link Posts so I'm 44% of the way if you count the link posts and 17% of my goal if you don't.
  5. Given the things I've recently read, I'm going to abandon this goal and instead focus on learning Vagrant because it looks like a very cool piece of technology that could really change how I develop sites for the better.